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Influencer Program

If you are an Influencer, micro-influencer, or Tik Toker we would love you to be part of the Cocora Girls Club.
More than your number of followers, we care that you reflect the lifestyle of our community.
We are strong, independent women who love nature, travel, the beach, quality, and among all, respect for the environment.
We care about our brand aesthetic and we want to keep the same line, that's why we carefully select our collaborations. We connect with women who really love our brand and want to create valuable content for their community and ours.

If you are selected, you will be able to choose from our stock the piece that best suits your style and your body, we love all body types and all kinds of beauties! Plus, we'll give you a unique one-time-use discount code for all your followers.
We want to create long-lasting relationships with our Brand Ambassadors and once you are part of our club, we will accompany you on all your travels and dreams.


Be part of our exclusive Club!

Click here and send us your social networks, we will be in touch with you ASAP

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